How To Do Balancing Tricks and Stunts

By  Doctor Dropo AKA Bruce Fife

Format:  Paperback  |  Size:  8 1/2 x11  |  Illustrated  |  Page Count:  64  |  ISBN:   0-941599-37-X

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This Book Reveals the Methods of World Famous Jugglers 

Have you ever had the urge to balance a pool cue on the end of your nose or manipulate a spinning ball at the end of your finger? This book reveals the methods used by world famous jugglers. You will find step-by-step instructions on how to balance balls, canes, plates, and various other objects. Many of the tricks are surprisingly simple to learn, others will take some time to master. Includes chapters on balancing odd-shaped objects, showmanship, and novelty and comedy balancing.

Additional information

Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions .125 × 5.5 × 8.5 in